martes, 25 de diciembre de 2007

Photo 4º A

Have a nice Christmas Day. 4ºA

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007

Tic Tac Toe (3 en raya)

Click on CHRISTMAS and play "Tic Tac Toe"

SONG: "Santa, Santa, High in the sky"

Click on the picture and listen to the song...

Xmas memory game.

Click on Santa Claus and play a MEMORY GAME.

Xmas match game.


Click on the door and play.

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2007

Christmas carol

Click on the bells and sing a carol.

What's the reindeer doing?

What is the reindeer doing?
  • It's running.
  • It's eating.
  • It's writing.
  • It's drawing.
  • It's reading.

What is it? 5

What is it?

It's a christmas ball.
It's a christmas tree.
It's a present.
It's a reindeer.
It's a candle.
It's a bell.
It's a snowman.
It's a stocking.

Where are they?

Where are the boys?

  • on the tree
  • in the tree
  • under the tree
  • behind the tree
  • next to the tree
  • in front of the tree

What is this? 4

What is it?

It's a christmas ball.
It's a christmas tree.
It's a present.
It's a reindeer.
It's a candle.
It's a bell.
It's a snowman.
It's a stocking.

What is this? 3

What is this?
It's a christmas ball.
It's a christmas tree.
It's a present.
It's a reindeer.
It's a candle.
It's a bell.
It's a snowman.
It's a stocking.

How many candles?

How many candles can you see?

What is this? 2

What is it?

It's a christmas ball.
It's a christmas tree.
It's a present.
It's a reindeer.
It's a candle.
It's a bell.
It's a snowman.
It's a stocking.

What is it? 1

What is this?

  • It's a christmas ball.

  • It's a christmas tree.

  • It's a present.

  • It's a reindeer.

  • It's a candle.

  • It's a bell.

  • It's a snowman.

  • It's a stocking.

What's he doing?

What is he doing?
  • He is singing a carol.
  • He's jumping on the sack.
  • He is listening to music.
  • He's doing a jigsaw.
  • He is writing an e-mail.

Where is it?

Where is Father Christmas?
  • He is in the kitchen.
  • She's in the living room.
  • She is in the dining room.
  • He is in the living room.
  • He's in the garden.
  • He is in the bedroom.

What is this?


By Xi Jin. 4º A

The odd one out

Read the words and find the odd one out:

blue, bell, red, yellow, purple

By Tania García Vega.4ºA

Who is it?

His name is ______ _______

By Xi JIn. 4ºA


What's the message?


By Nira Armas Muñiz.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

What's Tom doing?

(Pica en el dibujo y observa, luego contesta la pregunta que hay debajo. No olvides escribir tu nombre) What is Tom doing?

He is writing a letter
She's writing an e-mail
He's drawing a picture
She's doing a jigsaw


He is very ____________


Is this boy happy or sad?

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

Where is it?

Where is the bird?

It's ______________________

What's she doing?

What's she doing?

  • She's washing up

  • She's cooking dinner

  • She's eating a cake

  • She's making a cake

  • She's listening to music

What's he doing?

What's he doing?
  • He's tidying up
  • He's watching TV
  • He's playing on the computer
  • He's listening to music
  • She's playing computer games